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Protect your Mother
(Earth, that is).

Making sustainable choices can have a big impact, especially in your everyday (ahem, oral wellness) routine!

Eco or hell no.

Oral care has a plastic problem. Most plastic tubes and brushes are unrecyclable, plastic recycling rates are super low, and chemical ingredients are hurting Mother Earth. We can help!

Plastic problem in oceans

Oral care's plastic problem.

Globally, billions of single-use plastic toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes end up in landfills, incinerators, or oceans each year. Plastic recycling rates are lower than you think (like super low), so even recyclable tubes and bottles never make it through the recycling process.


toothpaste tubes end up in landfills, incinerators, or oceans globally each year, including 400 million in the US.


of all plastic is recycled each year, and by 2050 plastic is expected to outweigh fish in our oceans.


years for plastic to break down in landfills.

Mintly eco-friendly oral care products

Introducing eco everywhere.

We're taking ownership of our impact and operating with eco-led decision-making in all matters of Mintly. This spans packaging choices, but also product development, design, shipping, and more. Our goal is to make the best products possible with the least impact on the planet.

Waterless format

Our tablets eliminate water and the need for chemical preservatives, plus they prevent overuse and wasted product.

Eco packaging

Our packaging is made from earth-friendly materials and designed to be reused, refilled, recycled, or composted.

Eco design

We use less color and ink for less waste, and our labels are fully removable so our base packaging is more reliably recycled.

Our eco ethos.

In addition to making eco-consciousness our mantra across Mintly, we are always looking for new ways to better the biosphere. We proudly participate in regular beach clean-ups and frequently collaborate with other like-minded sustainable brands to give back and spread the word about eco-friendly living.

For the bettermint
of the planet.

Join our decision-making mantra of 'eco or hell no' by choosing environmintally friendly oral wellness.

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